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Français, Rhétorique et composition Certains droits réservés 1 month agoEducation Level(s): École primaire (1er cycle), Maternelle, 1re année, 2e année, 3e année, École primaire (2e cycle), 4e année, 5e année, 6e année, École secondaire (1er cycle), 7e année, 8e année, 9e année, École secondaire (2e cycle), 10e année, 11e année, 12e année
Program(s): Français de base Immersion
Une vaste collection de ressources créées par des enseignants.es du monde francophone et organisées par thèmes et niveaux.
To What Extent are Canadian Second Language Policies Evidence-Based? Reflections on the Intersections of Research and Policy
Education, French I don't see any of these 1 month agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Core French Immersion
This article focuses on four major Canadian policies: The Core French and Immersion program for non-native French speakers, policies surrounding immigrant language learners, heritage teaching and learning disabilities. This article sheds light on how these educational policies can be implemented in order to better meet the needs of language learners and to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to get a quality education in either French program.
Life after French Immersion: expectations, motivations, and outcomes of secondary school french immersion programs in the greater Toronto area (English)
Education, French Copyright Restricted 1 month agoEducation Level(s): Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Immersion
A dissertation that explores French Immersion education from three perspectives: parents enrolling their children into early FI programs; current FI students who have pursued FI to grade 12; and graduates of FI programs in Ontario. The findings of the research found that parents of FI students believed their child would become bilingual because of their participation in the program, and that their child would have better future employment opportunities.
- Interactive Video
Se préprarer à passer la production orale du DELF…
Français, Langue, grammaire, vocabulaire CC BY-NC-SA 5 months agoError loading resource. Open in new window.