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  • Interactive Video

    Ma Meilleure Ennemie

    French, Composition and Rhetoric C Interactive Video by Jason Sager 2 weeks ago
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  • Guadeloupe, couleurs Caraïbes

    French, Social Sciences Copyright Restricted Link by Anonymous 4 months ago

    Education Level(s): Upper Primary, Middle School

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    This video is about the tourism and culture of the Guadalupe Island. It talks about its nature, geography and food. 

  • French for the Future - Français pour l'avenir

    French Copyright Restricted Link by Anonymous 4 months ago

    Education Level(s): Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    French for the Future has six programs to promote bilingualism. Teachers interested in engaging their students in a pragmatic way of learning French need to register to get all the necessary materials. Franconnexion Sessions help students connect the French learned in the classroom with the real-life benefits of being bilingual. Local Forums bring together high school students for the opportunity to experience the cultural and professional value of continuing a bilingual education.

  • Conte-Moi la francophonie. TRALALERE

    French, Interdisciplinary Studies Copyright Restricted Link by Anonymous 4 months ago

    Education Level(s): Lower Primary, Grade 2, Grade 3, Upper Primary, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    Tales from many African countries and also from France help the learner understand La Francophonie through oral tradition.

  • Centre de la Francophonie des Amériques

    French Copyright Restricted Link by Anonymous 4 months ago

    Education Level(s): Lower Primary, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Upper Primary, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    LA FRANCOPHONIE DES AMERIQUES Le Centre de la francophonie des Amériques est né de la volonté du Québec de jouer un rôle de leader afin de solidifier les liens entre les communautés francophones du continent pour bâtir une francophonie plus solidaire, plus forte, plus inclusive et plus riche, une francophonie vivante, plurielle, engagée et innovante. RESSOURCES PÉDAGOGIQUES EN LIGNE ET GRATUITES. Des ressources pour les apprenants de 5 à 18 ans.

  • Ain't I a woman ? / Ne suis-je pas une femme ?

    Interdisciplinary Studies, Cultural Studies I don't see any of these Link by Anonymous 5 months ago

    Education Level(s): All Levels, Adult & Continuing Education

    Program(s): Extended Immersion

    Francais Discours prononcé en 1851,à la Women's Convention de Akron, Ohio, USA. English This brochure offers two different transcripts of Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” speech, translated from English to French. The first is by a white woman (Frances Dana Gage) who embellished her transcript of the speech with a southern-style American dialect. Gage was the organizer of the Women’s Rights convention where Sojourner spoke. The transcript of the second speech was reported by Marcus Robinson in the Anti-Slavery Bugle newspaper. Robinson was a Black man who worked with Sojourner Truth.

  • ACCESSING OPPORTUNITY / A study on challenges in French-as-a-second-language education teacher supply and demand in Canada.

    French, Support Resources Copyright Restricted Link by Anonymous 5 months ago

    Education Level(s): Lower Primary, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Upper Primary, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    One of the main responsibilities of the Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada (the Commissioner) is to promote linguistic duality in Canadian society.

  • 52 Livres pour denoncer le racisme / Bibliographie du Centre national de la littérature pour la jeunesse

    French, Social Sciences Copyright Restricted Link by Anonymous 5 months ago

    Education Level(s): All Levels, Adult & Continuing Education

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    Depuis 1966, le 21 mars a été proclamé par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, « Journée internationale pour l'élimination de la discrimination raciale ». Dans cette perspective, cette bibliographie propose une sélection d’ouvrages, majoritairement récents, qui, d’une manière ou d’une autre, dénoncent le racisme. Includes age recommendations. Le racisme Des livres contre le racism -- Amitiés, amours... et obstacles -- Immigration, exil Ils viennent d’« ailleurs » -- Intégration scolaire... ou pas -- Autres cultures

  • The Problems with French Immersion

    French, Support Resources I don't see any of these Link by Anonymous 5 months ago

    Education Level(s): All Levels

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    Proponents of French immersion say that students enrolled in the program see benefits throughout their lifetime. Yet, as demand for the program grows, the number of graduates don't reflect that trend. The Agenda ponders the pitfalls of the province's French immersion education system. Participants are debating on the question asked by Steve Paikin : What is working and what is not working (in French Immersion)?

  • Second Language Teaching Resources - ETFO

    Arts & Humanities, French I don't see any of these Link by Anonymous 5 months ago

    Education Level(s): Lower Primary, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Upper Primary, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    The website includes a variety of links and resources, that include historical perspectives, anti-art racism resources, the language of circle and the power of story, equity for educators, Ontario Teacher Federation planning materials, French dialects, pronunciation guides, and more. The information presented offers resources for occasional teachers but also offers information for teachers who are full time instructors as well. This site is dedicated to teachers specifically, and provides teachers in the elementary panel resources for teaching French as a second language.

  • rfi SAVOIRS Les voix du monde / rfi apprendre & enseigner le Français

    French I don't see any of these Link by Anonymous 5 months ago

    Education Level(s): Lower Primary, Grade 2, Grade 3, Upper Primary, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    Keywords: les fruits, les légumes, l'habitation, le transport, les heures de la journée, les émotions, la famille, j'aime, je n'aime pas, Searches can be made by thématique, rubrique, objectif, niveau de français, et type de contenus. Le niveau A1 (link above) has 10 results. 8 about société and 2 about culture. All activities have lesson plans, and answer sheets. They are easy to follow and are created according to the CEFR model. There are lessons for all levels, from A1 to C1. For children and adults.

  • Podcast français facile

    French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary I don't see any of these Link by Anonymous 5 months ago

    Education Level(s): Lower Primary, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Upper Primary, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

    Program(s): Core French Immersion

    Vous trouverez sur le site des textes et des exercices avec le MP3 à télécharger.Vous pourrez ainsi pratiquer la grammaire, la conjugaison... Ressources en ligne pour étudier ou enseigner le français langue étrangère. Le site « Podcast français facile » ainsi que la Chaîne YouTube de Vincent Durrenberger héberge une grande variété d’activités, exercices et vidéos pour le développement et l’amélioration de différentes habiletés langagières.

  • MAJ

    Arts & Humanities, Education Copyright Restricted Link by Anonymous 5 months ago

    Education Level(s): Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    Français L’actualité pour les jeunes propulsée par Radio-Canada vers les plateformes numériques comme YouTube et Instagram. Il y a des contenus drôles et sérieux, tous afin d’amorcer des discussions sur l’actualité English A news platform for young people supported by Radio-Canada using digital platforms such as YouTube and Instagram. There is funny and serious content on the website, both aimed at starting discussion in the news.

  • Lumni

    Arts & Humanities, Education I don't see any of these Link by Anonymous 5 months ago

    Education Level(s): Lower Primary, Upper Primary, Middle School, High School

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    This website offers resources for several subjects, games, quizzes, a real wealth of activities and assessments that will help teachers, parents and students. 

    On offre de s'inscrire à ce site où on y retrouve une grande variété de ressources éducatives couvrant les disciplines scolaires, un site pour les plus petits aux plus grands.  Un site qui reflète le contenu des programmes d'études de la France.

  • La banque dépannage linguistique / BDL

    French Copyright Restricted Link by Anonymous 5 months ago

    Education Level(s): Adult & Continuing Education

    Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion

    Un site créé par les spécialistes de l’Office québécois de la langue française. On y retrouve un répertoire d’articles répondant à des questions sur la grammaire, l’orthographe, la syntaxe, le vocabulaire, les emprunts à l'anglais, la féminisation, la correspondance, etc.