Resource Library
Dialog Cards
Se remémorer les licences CC
Support Resources, Educator Development CC BY 10 hours agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
En voyage
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary U 1 day agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Drag the Words
Max prépare son voyage.
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary U 2 days agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Je prépare mon voyage
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary U 2 days agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Fill in the Blanks
Pratique - Verbes au présent - Actions en progrès…
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary U 3 days agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Creating accessible interactive OER with H5P for inclusive language education
Education, Educational Technology Creative Commons BY-SA 5 days agoEducation Level(s): All Levels, Lower Primary, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Upper Primary, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Postsecondary College, Postsecondary Undergraduate, Postsecondary Graduate, Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Bilingual Instructional Programs
This course/microcredit is composed of three modules: Module 1, What are OER and Why are They Important?, which explores the significance of OER and free licenses; Module 2, Creating Interactive and Accessible OER, which focuses on developing engaging and inclusive OER; and Module 3, How to Measure the Impact of Your Interactive and Accessible OER in Your Teaching Environment, which examines ways to assess educators’ effectiveness in teaching.
Drag the Words
La belle et la bête - Place les adjectifs
Arts & Humanities, Languages U 1 week agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Fill in the Blanks
Gaston contre la Bête
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary U 1 week agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Inventaire linguistique des contenus clés des niveaux du CECRL
Arts & Humanities, Languages Copyright Restricted 1 week agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): CEFR-Related Approaches Core French Extended Immersion
Une ressource qui contient un inventaire des points de grammaire, thèmes, etc. qui se relient à chaque niveau du CECR. Très utile pour planifier un curriculum à ton conseil ou à ton école!
Garder votre équilibre - Une activité intéractive
Business & Communications, Education Copyright Restricted 1 week agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Program(s): Cooperative Work & Work Placement Core French Other
Cet activité est un activité ou les élèves peuvent formuler un budget.
Pour enseigner, tu peut utiliser les caractères avec leur revenu, situation, location, et plus...
Branching Scenario
Cheat Sheet du cours Devenir auteur.e de ma RÉL
Education, Early Childhood Education CC BY-NC-SA 1 week agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Find The Words
Mots cachés - Au resto
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary U 1 week agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Impératif - conjuguez!
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary CC0 1.0 1 week agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Fill in the Blanks
Météo et expressions avec faire, il y a, le temps
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary CC BY-NC 1 week agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Fill in the Blanks
Qu’est-ce qu’on prend ? Qu’est-ce qu’on boit?
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary CC BY 1 week agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Drag the Words
Match the French and English Song Titles
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary U 1 week agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Course Presentation
Les Sports
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary U 1 week agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Manie Musicale 2025 – Questions de révision
Arts & Humanities, French Creative Commons BY-NC 1 week agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 8
Program(s): Immersion
Cette RÉL porte sur les chansons et les chanteurs de Manie Musicale. C’est un quiz de révision. Les questions parlent des nationalités des chanteurs et le nom des chansons.
Attachment Size Les questions pour réviser les chansons de Manie Musicale.docx (20.09 KB) 20.09 KB -
Fill in the Blanks
Pratiquons le langage inclusif en français
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary U 1 week agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Question Set
Mises en situation - application des licences…
Support Resources, Open Education CC BY 2 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Qu’est-ce qu’on prend ? Qu’est-ce qu’on boit? 6.4A
Arts et sciences humaines, Langues Creative Commons BY (Attribution) 2 weeks agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Qu’est-ce qu’on prend ? Qu’est-ce qu’on boit? 6.4A is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Angela Chen on Libre Studio.
Écrire la référence des ressources que vous avez intégrées dans votre RÉL : Liste II
Support Resources, Educator Development Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2 weeks agoEducation Level(s): Adult & Continuing Education, Career/Technical
Program(s): Undefined
Cette ressource fait partie de la trousse de la formation Camerise Devenir auteur.e d’une RÉL au sein de votre conseil scolaire.
Ce document est une liste de modèles pour écrire la référence des ressources intégrées dans votre RÉL, en fonction de différents contextes.
Attachment Size LISTE II Écrire la référence d’une ressource que vous avez intégrée dans votre RÉL.docx (575.51 KB) 575.51 KB -
Modèles pour écrire la référence de votre RÉL : Liste I
Support Resources, Educator Development Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2 weeks agoEducation Level(s): Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Undefined
Cette ressource fait partie de la trousse de la formation Camerise Devenir auteur.e d’une RÉL au sein de votre conseil scolaire.
Ce document est une liste de modèles pour écrire la référence de votre RÉL en fonction de différents contextes.
Attachment Size LISTE I Écrire la référence de votre RÉL.docx (710.14 KB) 710.14 KB -
Outil de décision concernant l’utilisation équitable aux niveaux élémentaire et secondaire : étape 2
Support Resources, Open Education Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2 weeks agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Cette ressource fait partie de la trousse de la formation Camerise Devenir auteur.e d’une RÉL au sein de votre conseil scolaire.
Cet outil est une guide de décision pour utiliser une oeuvre sous tous droits réserver dans sa RÉL en utilisant le principe de l’utilisation équitable.
Attachment Size 2 Outil de décision Utilisation équitable.docx (2.34 MB) 2.34 MB -
Interactive Video
Copying or Re-using H5P from other platforms
Other U 2 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Fill in the Blanks
French 1_SMC_CaseChevant: Unité 1 - Présentations…
Business & Communications CC BY-SA 2 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Etre en train de + infinitif
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary Creative Commons BY-NC 2 weeks agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
A fill in the blanks H5P to practice the être en train de structure
H5P Copy-Paste Option: Using it in Column activity
Arts & Humanities, Languages CC BY 2 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Interactive Video
Interactive Video
Sharing Resources in Camerise Studio
Other CC BY 2 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Drag the Words
Incident à l'hôtel
French, Reading Literature U 2 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Drag the Words
Lecture - choix de mots en paragraphes - La…
French, Reading Foundation Skills CC BY-NC-SA 2 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
JA Canada - Bien plus que l'argent - Littératie financière pour les 13+
Education, Social and Emotional Learning Some Rights Reserved 2 weeks agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
Grâce au programme Bien plus que de l’argent récemment mis à jour, les élèves de 1re secondaire (7e année) à la 3e secondaire (9e année) acquièrent les outils essentiels dont ils ont besoin pour prendre des décisions financières intelligentes, vivre sans s’endetter et devenir des investisseurs avertis. Les élèves apprennent à gérer leurs finances personnelles et à appliquer ces enseignements immédiatement. (
Resource Test
Education, Special Education Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2 weeks ago -
Sopala: An Innovative Model for K-12 Education
Education, Early Childhood Education Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3 weeks agoEducation Level(s): All Levels, Postsecondary College, Postsecondary Undergraduate, Postsecondary Graduate, Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Special Education & Inclusion Programs
This paper presents an innovative approach to K-12 education that functions effectively in classrooms with or without internet access. The approach prioritizes those with the least access and then scales to all classrooms, regardless of connectivity. AI-enhanced, open-source, offline-first tools deliver high-quality open educational resources and standards-aligned learning experiences to students in remote and underserved areas.
Attachment Size Sopala-An Innovative Model for K-12.pdf (124.8 KB) 124.8 KB -
Interactive Book
A Quick Guide to Adding and Using H5P Activities…
Support Resources, Educator Development CC BY-SA 3 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Course Presentation
FRENCH_Introduction and an Overvew of UDL
Arts & Humanities, Languages CC BY 3 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Game Map
Arts & Humanities, Languages CC BY-SA 3 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Course Presentation
FRENCH _ Culturally Responsive Pedagogy - An…
Arts & Humanities, Languages CC BY 3 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Course Presentation
Introduction and an Overvew of UDL
Arts & Humanities, Languages CC BY 3 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Game Map
CRP - Culturally Responsive Teaching - Diverse…
Arts & Humanities, Languages CC BY-SA 3 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Course Presentation
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy - An Introduction
Arts & Humanities, Languages CC BY 3 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Interactive Video
Ma Meilleure Ennemie
French, Composition and Rhetoric U 3 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Practice with the Verb Travailler
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary Public Domain 4 weeks agoEducation Level(s): Upper Primary, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8
Program(s): Undefined
Review of the regular -ER verb travailler
Attachment Size [Template] Travailler-Baladji Kwata Image Activity.docx (9.3 MB) 9.3 MB -
H5P Resource ID
Interdisciplinary Studies, Canadian Studies 4 weeks agoError loading resource. Open in new window. -
Naviguer dans un monde d’IA générative : Suggestions pour le personnel scolaire
Support Resources, Educator Development Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4 weeks agoEducation Level(s): All Levels, Postsecondary College, Postsecondary Undergraduate, Postsecondary Graduate, Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Philosophical lens
Guide de suggestions pour le personnel en context d'enseignement créée pour comprendre la nature de l'IA générative.
Le pont: From Intermediate to Advanced French
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary Creative Commons BY-NC 4 weeks agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): CEFR-Related Approaches Core French Extended Immersion Special Education & Inclusion Programs
A complete French curriculum that provides a bridge for students transitioning from intermediate to advanced proficiency.
TVO Learn - Cours 9-12
French, Composition and Rhetoric Some Rights Reserved 1 month agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Program(s): Immersion
Plus de 20 cours gratuits en français pour les 9-12 couvrant diverses matières.
Carte Interactive de la Francophonie
Arts & Humanities, French I don't see any of these 1 month agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Undefined
This PDF file is an interactive map with fictional identities crafted by AI from all of the countries making up the OIF (Organization Internationale de la Francophonie).
Attachment Size Carte Interactif de la Francophonie.pdf (17.68 MB) 17.68 MB