Ontario elementary and secondary students enrolled in French language studies can apply to participate in a student exchange program various French-speaking countries in Europe. Ideally applications are accepted one year prior to the expected program start. Students will be matched with a student in that country and live with the family for the duration of the stay. This program is reciprocal and the student will then visit and attend school here as well. International Student Exchange Programs to strengthen FSL skills in an authentic cultural setting can be arranged with your child’s elementary school or high school. Participating school boards in Ontario agree to send Elementary and or High School students on either a three month period returning in April, or a three week exchange during summer. Credit options for high school students are also available. Typical locations in Europe include France, Germany, Spain or Italy. The spring exchange is a learning exchange and students will be expected to study and learn, and not be travelling extensively. This is a great way to become immersed in another language and culture while living with another family that has been matched to your child’s interests and personality.