Community Resources
Qu’est-ce qu’on prend ? Qu’est-ce qu’on boit? 6.4A
Arts et sciences humaines, Langues Creative Commons BY (Attribution) 1 month agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Qu’est-ce qu’on prend ? Qu’est-ce qu’on boit? 6.4A is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Angela Chen on Libre Studio.
Arts & Humanities, History Creative Commons BY-NC 2 months agoEducation Level(s): Upper Primary, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
Les pages de ce site web mettent à la disposition des enseignant.e.s des ressources pédagogiques liées à la francophonie (leçons, vidéos, fiches d’évaluation, articles, balados) dans le but de préparer les élèves à vivre une expérience culturelle conçue autour d’une personnalité francophone.
Pour organiser une expérience culturelle dans votre Conseil, veuillez nous écrire à
Comment créer un post (message/article) sur un réseau social de type Instagram
Business & Communications Creative Commons BY-NC 2 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
Cette RÉL porte sur la création d’un post instagram pour promouvoir une activité au sein de l'école (club, événement, équipe, assemblée…)
Après avoir suivi cette RÉL, les élèves seront capables d’/de …
Créer des expériences authentiques en FLS : une campagne de sensibilisation
French, Composition and Rhetoric Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2 months agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9
Program(s): Immersion
Cette leçon vise à guider les élèves de la division intermédiaire dans la création de leur propre campagne de sensibilisation sur un sujet qui les intéresse.
Le(s) contenu(s) d’apprentissage du curriculum de FLS est/sont :D1. Objectif, auditoire et forme : écrira en français dans diverses formes, à des fins diverses et pour différents auditoires en utilisant ses connaissances du vocabulaire et des éléments stylistiques afin de communiquer clairement et efficacement;
French, Speaking and Listening Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2 months agoEducation Level(s): Lower Primary, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
Program(s): Immersion
Nous avons créé cette ressource pour faciliter le développement de la conscience phonémique chez les élèves de première année. Ces cartes peuvent être utilisées en classe en demandant à l'ensemble du groupe d'annoncer les réponses. Elles peuvent également être utilisées en petits groupes ou individuellement.
Le(s) contenu(s) d’apprentissage du curriculum de FLS est/sont :
Attachment Size (Révisée)RÉL - Les sons oaueau.pdf (993.3 KB) 993.3 KB -
Intercultural Competence in FSL: A Teacher Practical Collaboration Envisioning a Change of Action in French Teaching and Learning
Support Resources, Educator Development Creative Commons BY-SA 2 months agoEducation Level(s): Postsecondary College, Postsecondary Undergraduate, Postsecondary Graduate, Adult & Continuing Education, Career/Technical
Program(s): DEDI lens
This course aims to promote a better understanding of the role of interculturality in FSL teaching and learning. The content is structured around widely recognised theoretical concepts and proposes practical applications. While the course is geared primarily towards FSL teachers in Ontario, the content can benefit language educators everywhere.
ADOLESCENT LITERACY GUIDE A Professional Learning Resource for Literacy, Grades 7-12
French, Interdisciplinary Studies Some Rights Reserved 2 months agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Program(s): Undefined
A guide addressing literacy and metacognition
Apprentissage inspiré de la terre Rapport d’étude de cas : comment intégrer une philosophie autochtone à l’enseignement?
Education, Health and Physical Education Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 2 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
This report discusses a land-inspired program that takes a pan-Indigenous approach for indoor and outdoor learning, directed toward youth in the Kootenay region of British Columbia. Note aux enseignants et aux administrateurs -- Sommaire -- Contexte actuel de l’éducation autochtone au Canada -- Étude de cas : H’a H’a Tumxulaux Outdoor Education Program -- Incidences de l’apprentissage inspiré de la terre : l’exemple du Kootenay-Columbia Learning Centre -- Conclusion : recommandations pour reproduire le program
Qu'est-ce que les REL? Quelle est leur importance?
Education, Early Childhood Education Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels, Postsecondary College, Postsecondary Undergraduate, Postsecondary Graduate, Adult & Continuing Education, Career/Technical
Program(s): Other
Introduction aux REL et mise en pratique
Série d'expériences culturelles pour les élèves en programmes FLS / FSL Cultural Experiences Series
French, Interdisciplinary Studies Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Les pages de ce site web mettent à la disposition des enseignant.e.s des ressources pédagogiques liées à la francophonie (leçons, vidéos, fiches d'évaluation, articles, balados) dans le but de préparer les élèves à vivre une expérience culturelle conçue autour d'une personnalité francophone. Pour organiser une expérience culturelle dans votre Conseil, veuillez nous écrire à En découvrant des personnalités francophones venant de tous les coins du monde, les élèves feront directement l'expérience de la diversité et de la richesse des cultures de la francophonie.
Planning Board-wide Cultural Experiences in FSL: A Guide for School Board FSL Consultants
Arts & Humanities, Visual Arts Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Experiential Learning
The purpose of this Guide is to provide support to School Board FSL Consultants interested in planning pre-recorded, interactive cultural experiences for their schools. These experiences are intended to build intercultural awareness and appreciation among FSL students while building proficiency in the language. In addition to the event with the personality, an FSL Cultural Experience also includes the creation of content for educators to use in their classrooms, which can extend the overall experience for students significantly.
Attachment Size Cultural Experiences Educator Guide.pdf (917.46 KB) 917.46 KB -
Non-linguistic benefits of learning a second language: Recent research and implications for educators and governments
Other I don't see any of these 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
This paper analyses recent research findings which reveal some non-linguistic benefits children acquire by learning a second language. And, it is argued that such benefits not only benefit children and their families, but contribute to the social wellbeing of communities and nations. The purpose of this paper is to share relevant findings of non-linguistic benefits of learning a second language for readers everywhere, particularly for those who live and work in Southeast Asia as teachers of second languages, parents and educational policy advisors.
Training Non-native Second Language Teachers: The Case of Anglophone FLS Teacher Candidates
Education, French I don't see any of these 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
This study documents the experiences of anglophone French as a second language (FSL) teacher candidates during their pre-service program. The authors describe how this group of non-native FSL teacher candidates felt about the adequacy of their FSL skills, their need for some level of second language (L2) support, and the maintenance of their L2 skills during their teaching careers.
To What Extent are Canadian Second Language Policies Evidence-Based? Reflections on the Intersections of Research and Policy
Education, French I don't see any of these 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Core French Immersion
This article focuses on four major Canadian policies: The Core French and Immersion program for non-native French speakers, policies surrounding immigrant language learners, heritage teaching and learning disabilities. This article sheds light on how these educational policies can be implemented in order to better meet the needs of language learners and to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to get a quality education in either French program.
The Impact of CEFR-Related Professional Learning on Second-Language Teachers' Classroom Practice: The Case of French in Canada
Education, French I don't see any of these 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
This study, based on ninety French as a Second Language teachers across Canada explores how professional learning from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment can successfully enhance student's learning in the classroom. This study focuses on how teachers used effective teaching strategies such as hands-on materials and action-based lesson plans to help encourage student participation and to meet their needs.
Student attrition in specialized high school programs : an examination of three French immersion centres
Education, French I don't see any of these 4 months ago -
Education, French I don't see any of these 4 months ago -
Points of departure: Developing the knowledge base of ESL and FLS teachers for K-12 programs in canada.
Education, French I don't see any of these 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Cet article soulève le problème d’insécurité linguistique en examinant la formation des enseignants en L2 (soit anglais langue seconde ou FLS), les connaissances de la langue des enseignants, les compétences d’enseignement, les compétences de communication et la compétence linguistique et les connaissances du sujet. Cet article donne des recommandations aux programmes d’éducation pour améliorer la sécurité linguistique des candidats d’enseignants.
Official Language Bilingualism for Allophones in Canada: Exploring Future Research
Education, French I don't see any of these 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
This article provides a review of research related to Allophones and their access to French Second Official Language programs in Canada.
Life after French Immersion: expectations, motivations, and outcomes of secondary school french immersion programs in the greater Toronto area (English)
Education, French Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Immersion
A dissertation that explores French Immersion education from three perspectives: parents enrolling their children into early FI programs; current FI students who have pursued FI to grade 12; and graduates of FI programs in Ontario. The findings of the research found that parents of FI students believed their child would become bilingual because of their participation in the program, and that their child would have better future employment opportunities.
La suppléance a eu raison de plusieurs enseignants québécois, qui filent vers le Canada anglais
Education, French Some Rights Reserved 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
Un article publié en 202 par le Journal de Québec expose les raisons qui amènent plusieurs enseignants québécois à prendre la décision d'enseigner à l'extérieur de la province.
Ask Me Anything: Technology in the FSL classroom
French, Trades and Technology I don't see any of these 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Undefined
This video shows the final webinar in an online series of Ask me Anything discussions between in-service FSL teachers and experts and FSL teacher candidates from two Ontario Faculties of Education. This webinar series is a pilot project inspired by data collected in a larger three-year project called "FSL Teacher Recruitment and Retention" led by principal investigators Dr. Stephanie Arnott and Dr. Marie-Emilie Masson at the University of Ottawa and Dr. Gail Prasad and Dr. Muriel Peguret at Glendon.
L’assassinat de Martin Luther King
Arts & Humanities, History Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels, Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
Cet épisode de La Grande Explication traite du rôle que Martin Luther King a joué dans l'abolition de la ségrégation raciale.
L'apprentissage de la langue écrite. Approche cognitive
French, Reading Foundation Skills Some Rights Reserved 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion Special Education & Inclusion Programs
Un document qui examine les difficultés à lire et à écrire des enfants et qui présente les avancées récentes dans le domaine de l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l'écriture.
Journée européene des langues - Europe Centre for Modern Languages
Education, French Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Bilingual Instructional Programs Core French Extended Immersion
Ce site offre des ressources pour célébrer la journée européene des langues, célébrée le 26 septembre. Plusieurs activités sont partagées pour encourager le plurilinguisme. Les ressources s'appliquent aussi dans le contexte canadien.
Je dis non au racisme! / Let's Fight Racism!
French, Interdisciplinary Studies Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Upper Primary, Grade 6, Middle School, High School
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion Other
English A website created by the United Nations to inform people on racial discrimination relating to economic, social and cultural rights. There are testimonials, quizzes and other educational documents on racism throughout the world.
Français Un site web fait par l'Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) pour informer les gens de la discrimination raciale quant aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels. Il y a des témoignages, des questionnaires et d'autres documents éducatifs sur le racisme dans le monde entier.
Is French Immersion ‘Suitable’ for Children with Dyslexia?
Education, Early Childhood Education Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
Dr. Nancy Wise refutes myths regarding the appropriateness of French immersion (FI) for children with dyslexia, presenting research that demonstrates their potential benefits from FI with appropriate supports. She emphasizes early screening, structured literacy instruction, early intervention, progress monitoring, and accommodations, and offers strategies for parents to support their child's French language learning.
Inventaire d’outils TIC et de ressources éducatives ouvertes
Education, French Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Other
Un inventaire d'outils en ligne gratuits et aussi de ressources éducatives libres visant l'enseignement des langues.
Introduction to French - French Language Textbook
Education, French Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, High School, Postsecondary College, Postsecondary Undergraduate, Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
This language textbook provides mini introductory lessons for those who would like to refine or learn common French skills.
International Student Exchange Ontario ISE
Arts & Humanities, Languages Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
Ontario elementary and secondary students enrolled in French language studies can apply to participate in a student exchange program various French-speaking countries in Europe. Ideally applications are accepted one year prior to the expected program start. Students will be matched with a student in that country and live with the family for the duration of the stay. This program is reciprocal and the student will then visit and attend school here as well.
Intercultural Competence in FSL: A Teacher Practical Collaboration Envisioning a Change of Action in French Teaching and Learning
French, Interdisciplinary Studies Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Extended Immersion
The role of interculturality in FSL teaching and learning is the subject of this course that offers recognized theoretical concepts and practical applications. All language educators can benefit from examining the content of this course.
Inclusionary Practices in French Immersion: A Need to Link Research to Practice
Education, French Educational Use 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Bilingual Instructional Programs Core French Extended Immersion Special Education & Inclusion Programs
Un article qui examine la pertinence de l'immersion pour une grande variété d'apprenants. L'auteure vise à établir des liens entre la recherche et les pratiques d'inclusion en place au sein des programmes d'immersion.
Including Students with Special Education needs in FSL programs. A guide for Ontario Schools
Education, Special Education Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion Special Education & Inclusion Programs
Resource to help all educators understand how FSL can support students with special education needs. The guide explores ways all students can be included in FSL programs. It shares research-based strategies and examples of inclusive practices. The videos share strategies and ways to welcome students with special education needs in FSL programs.
Implication des parents dans l’éducation plurilingue et interculturelle - Ressources et exemples de pratiques
French, Interdisciplinary Studies Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Other
Un site internet qui cible les avantages de l'éducation plurilingue et interculturelle en considérant le partenariat avec les parents. De nombreuses ressources visant les parents et enseignants se trouvent sur le site.
F101: Unité 4 - Vêtements et Météo
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
F101: Unité 4 - Vêtements et Météo is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.
Les vêtements 5.3A
Arts et sciences humaines, Langues Creative Commons BY (Attribution) 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Les vêtements 5.3A is a/an Interactive Video H5P activity shared by Angela Chen on Libre Studio.
Identifier des Thématiques pour Créer des Produits Pédagogiques Dérivés -Vidéo Intéractive
Support Resources, Open Education Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Other
Ceci est une dérivation d'une vidéo créée pour identifier des thématiques afin de créer des produits pédagogiques dérivés et pour assurer la compréhension sur la formation des dérivations. C'est aux éducateurs.trices d'évaluer comment ils créent leurs matériaux et s'ils le font dans la façon la plus bénéfique pour leurs élèves. La partie interactive est fait pour la rétention.
Identifier des thématiques pour créer des produits pédagogiques dérivés
Education, Support Resources Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Other
Cette ressource contient un bouquet de liens composé d' : - Un processus pilote qui présente des étapes afin d'identifier des thématiques pour créer des produits pédagogiques dérivés à partir d’un corpus scientifique. - Une vidéo présentant ce processus pilote. - Une proposition de déroulé pour un atelier de prise en main du processus, intitulée "Thématiques et dérivés - Fiche atelier".
- All these resources are available in English. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Ici-Radio Canada / Radio Canada (French Station)
Arts & Humanities, Business & Communications Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Bilingual Instructional Programs Core French Extended Immersion
Ici-Radio Canada is a comprehensive website that includes French programming and radio covering a variety of topics, from news, to politics, sports, entertainment, economics and more. The website can be utilized by a variety of stakeholders and for educational purposes. Ici-Radio Canada is the official radio station of the CBC in French, particularly geared towards Francophone audiences across Canada. The radio station have English counterparts, however, they are disseminated in French, and provide video and audio.
How a second language can boost the brain: Being bilingual benefits children as they learn to speak --and adults as they age
French, Science Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Bilingual Instructional Programs Other
Several studies on the impact of learning a second language are examined, from children to older adults who are experiencing degenerative brain functions. Cognitive benefits stemming from changes in brain matter throughout ones life have been found to suggest being bilingual compensates for brain deterioration caused by Alzheimers and other dementia. This article highlights the cognitive benefits of learning a second or third language that last throughout life. Children's brains are thought to be more flexible than older adults and thus more adept at learning second languages.
Guadeloupe, couleurs Caraïbes
French, Social Sciences Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Upper Primary, Middle School
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
This video is about the tourism and culture of the Guadalupe Island. It talks about its nature, geography and food.
French for the Future - Français pour l'avenir
French Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
French for the Future has six programs to promote bilingualism. Teachers interested in engaging their students in a pragmatic way of learning French need to register to get all the necessary materials. Franconnexion Sessions help students connect the French learned in the classroom with the real-life benefits of being bilingual. Local Forums bring together high school students for the opportunity to experience the cultural and professional value of continuing a bilingual education.
French for Life, Manitoba - Quebec Student Exchanges
French Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): High School, Grade 10, Grade 11
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
The main objectives of the student exchange program Manitoba - Quebec are: Improve students French language communication skills. Improve students’ confidence to speak French. Develop students' bilingual identity. Create lifelong opportunities and foster openness to other languages and cultures. Develop students’ greater independence and self-esteem. The Manitoba-Québec Exchange Program is offered to students enrolled in the French Immersion Program who will be in Grade 10 or 11 next September. Students in the English Program with strong French skills can also apply.
French Children's Stories retold by the Fable Cottage
French, Language, Grammar, Vocabulary Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
"The stories of “The Three Little Pigs”, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and “Little Red Riding Hood” translated into French and read along audio available by a native French speaker." "Some well-known children's stories translated into French and spoken by a native French speaker. Great for kids... and adults too! Read along in French or English."
French Educational Use 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Undefined
The website brings together resources for teaching and learning French as a second language (FSL) and is designed and organized around three conceptual axes for self-directed learning. It includes 311 resources organized in 3 distinctive collections (thematic, grammatical and the oral communication one) that are presented in clear pedagogical sequences aimed at guiding learner's progress from the reading to the oral comprehension.
French Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Adult & Continuing Education
Program(s): Core French Immersion
Developed by TV5 Quebec, Francolab is an educational platform for French language teachers and learners. Whether the context is immersion, Core or intensive French, the teachers and learners will find here audiovisual content closely related to various sociocultural aspects of French language and culture in Canada. A wide variety of videos, interactive activities and downloadable files are offered for free in order to facilitate French learning and teaching activities.
France TV / France TV - France 5
Arts & Humanities, French Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Lower Primary, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Upper Primary, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
French language video/programming station, specifically in French (France) that offers programming, full-length feature films, news, children's programming, concerts, live programming, sitcoms, and more. France TV has a variety of programming station, including France 2 to 5 and Replay stations. A French (France) television station that offers viewers a wide variety of programming, from children's television, to adult television, sitcoms, news, full-feature films, etc. The programming is geared to a variety of ages, and can be utilized for language learning in French, with subtitle use.
Français inclusif : Un manuel interactif pour le français 102
Education, French Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Core French Immersion
Cette ressource est un livre qui innove dans l'apprentissage du français. Il contient des exercices permettant aux étudiants de mieux assimiler le vocabulaire et la grammaire. On y retrouve 4 modules comprennant constitué comme suite : le vocabulaire, l'explication de la grammaire et enfin des exercices.
Flash Info
French, Speaking and Listening Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
Les épisodes peuvent être employés pour les dictées, les devoirs (pour la compréhension orale) ou l’enrichissement en dehors de l’école pour les élèves Un balado de Radio-Canada qui condense les principales nouvelles de la journée tous les jours, toutes présentées en quelques minutes.
Exploration du CECR
French Copyright Restricted 4 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
A series of videos in French about the CECR in the Ontario FSL context. Ce projet offre la possibilité d’approfondir notre connaissance et notre compréhension du CECR en tant qu’outil pour soutenir les méthodes d’enseignement et d’évaluation des programmes de français langue seconde (FLS) en Ontario. Dans une série de courtes vidéos, Denis Cousineau, un des leaders de FLS auprès du Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, nous fait part de ses réflexions au sujet du FLS en Ontario, et d’autres leaders pédagogiques de FLS en Ontario parlent de grandes idées liées au CECR.