Community Resources
Arts & Humanities, History Creative Commons BY-NC 1 week agoEducation Level(s): Upper Primary, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, High School, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
Les pages de ce site web mettent à la disposition des enseignant.e.s des ressources pédagogiques liées à la francophonie (leçons, vidéos, fiches d’évaluation, articles, balados) dans le but de préparer les élèves à vivre une expérience culturelle conçue autour d’une personnalité francophone.
Pour organiser une expérience culturelle dans votre Conseil, veuillez nous écrire à
Comment créer un post (message/article) sur un réseau social de type Instagram
Business & Communications Creative Commons BY-NC 1 week agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Core French Extended Immersion
Cette RÉL porte sur la création d’un post instagram pour promouvoir une activité au sein de l'école (club, événement, équipe, assemblée…)
Après avoir suivi cette RÉL, les élèves seront capables d’/de …
Créer des expériences authentiques en FLS : une campagne de sensibilisation
French, Composition and Rhetoric Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 1 week agoEducation Level(s): Middle School, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9
Program(s): Immersion
Cette leçon vise à guider les élèves de la division intermédiaire dans la création de leur propre campagne de sensibilisation sur un sujet qui les intéresse.
Le(s) contenu(s) d’apprentissage du curriculum de FLS est/sont :D1. Objectif, auditoire et forme : écrira en français dans diverses formes, à des fins diverses et pour différents auditoires en utilisant ses connaissances du vocabulaire et des éléments stylistiques afin de communiquer clairement et efficacement;
French, Speaking and Listening Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 1 week agoEducation Level(s): Lower Primary, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
Program(s): Immersion
Nous avons créé cette ressource pour faciliter le développement de la conscience phonémique chez les élèves de première année. Ces cartes peuvent être utilisées en classe en demandant à l'ensemble du groupe d'annoncer les réponses. Elles peuvent également être utilisées en petits groupes ou individuellement.
Le(s) contenu(s) d’apprentissage du curriculum de FLS est/sont :
Attachment Size (Révisée)RÉL - Les sons oaueau.pdf (993.3 KB) 993.3 KB Intercultural Competence in FSL: A Teacher Practical Collaboration Envisioning a Change of Action in French Teaching and Learning
Support Resources, Educator Development Creative Commons BY-SA 4 weeks agoEducation Level(s): Postsecondary College, Postsecondary Undergraduate, Postsecondary Graduate, Adult & Continuing Education, Career/Technical
Program(s): DEDI lens
This course aims to promote a better understanding of the role of interculturality in FSL teaching and learning. The content is structured around widely recognised theoretical concepts and proposes practical applications. While the course is geared primarily towards FSL teachers in Ontario, the content can benefit language educators everywhere.
Qu'est-ce que les REL? Quelle est leur importance?
Education, Early Childhood Education Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 1 month agoEducation Level(s): All Levels, Postsecondary College, Postsecondary Undergraduate, Postsecondary Graduate, Adult & Continuing Education, Career/Technical
Program(s): Other
Introduction aux REL et mise en pratique
Planning Board-wide Cultural Experiences in FSL: A Guide for School Board FSL Consultants
Arts & Humanities, Visual Arts Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2 months agoEducation Level(s): All Levels
Program(s): Experiential Learning
The purpose of this Guide is to provide support to School Board FSL Consultants interested in planning pre-recorded, interactive cultural experiences for their schools. These experiences are intended to build intercultural awareness and appreciation among FSL students while building proficiency in the language. In addition to the event with the personality, an FSL Cultural Experience also includes the creation of content for educators to use in their classrooms, which can extend the overall experience for students significantly.
Attachment Size Cultural Experiences Educator Guide.pdf (917.46 KB) 917.46 KB F101: Unité 4 - Vêtements et Météo
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 2 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
F101: Unité 4 - Vêtements et Météo is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.
Les vêtements 5.3A
Arts et sciences humaines, Langues Creative Commons BY (Attribution) 2 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Les vêtements 5.3A is a/an Interactive Video H5P activity shared by Angela Chen on Libre Studio.
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif présent (volonté)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif présent (volonté) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif (doutes, incertitude)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif (doutes, incertitude) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif (émotions)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif (émotions) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif, Indicatif, Infinitif
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif, Indicatif, Infinitif is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif, Indicatif, Infinitif
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif, Indicatif, Infinitif is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Les cours
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Les cours is a/an Crossword H5P activity shared by Nora Portillo on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif - Expressions impersonnelles
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif - Expressions impersonnelles is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif (conjugaison)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Subjonctif (conjugaison) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Verbe Avoir + contractions
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Verbe Avoir + contractions is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Vocabulaire (les autres types de nourriture- La Brigade)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Vocabulaire (les autres types de nourriture- La Brigade) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Aurelie Chevant-Aksoy on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Vocabulaire (les fruits et légumes - La Brigade)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Vocabulaire (les fruits et légumes - La Brigade) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Aurelie Chevant-Aksoy on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Pronoms Objets Directs (3 personne sing, pl.) + EN
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Pronoms Objets Directs (3 personne sing, pl.) + EN is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - C est vs. Il est
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - C est vs. Il est is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Etre en train de + infinitif
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Etre en train de + infinitif is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Expressions idiomatiques avec Être
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Expressions idiomatiques avec Être is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Expressions idiomatiques avec Avoir
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Expressions idiomatiques avec Avoir is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Pronoms interrogatifs et adjectifs démonstratifs
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Pronoms interrogatifs et adjectifs démonstratifs is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.F101: Unité 3 - Adjectifs démonstratifs et -ci/-là
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
F101: Unité 3 - Adjectifs démonstratifs et -ci/-là is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Adjectifs démonstratifs
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Adjectifs démonstratifs is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 2 - Questions (Inversion)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 2 - Questions (Inversion) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Météo et expressions avec faire, il y a, le temps
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Météo et expressions avec faire, il y a, le temps is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Verbe Faire
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Verbe Faire is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Faire causatif
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Faire causatif is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Faire + Pronoms Objets Directs (3 personne sing, pl.) + EN
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Faire + Pronoms Objets Directs (3 personne sing, pl.) + EN is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Faire causatif + Pronoms Objets Directs
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Faire causatif + Pronoms Objets Directs is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Futur proche, Passé récent + Pronoms Objets Directs, en
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Futur proche, Passé récent + Pronoms Objets Directs, en is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Passé Récent (venir + de/d + infinitif)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Passé Récent (venir + de/d + infinitif) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Venir + préposition de / contractions
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Venir + préposition de / contractions is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Futur Proche (aller + infinitif)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Futur Proche (aller + infinitif) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Verbe Aller + préposition à / contractions
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Verbe Aller + préposition à / contractions is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Si présent + futur
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Si présent + futur is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Futur (simple)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 3 - Futur (simple) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Impératif (tu, nous, vous)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Impératif (tu, nous, vous) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Leçon 4.1 Au café
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Leçon 4.1 Au café is a/an Find The Words H5P activity shared by Nora Portillo on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbes pronominaux (sens)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbes pronominaux (sens) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbes pronominaux (passé composé)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbes pronominaux (passé composé) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbes pronominaux (pronoms/présent)
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbes pronominaux (pronoms/présent) is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Doubles pronoms/Impératif
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Doubles pronoms/Impératif is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbes pronominaux/Impératif
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbes pronominaux/Impératif is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbe Vouloir
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbe Vouloir is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbe Pouvoir
Arts & Humanities, Languages Creative Commons BY-NC 3 months agoEducation Level(s): Undefined
Program(s): Undefined
Avant-Première (Intermediate French) : Unité 4 - Verbe Pouvoir is a/an Fill in the Blanks H5P activity shared by Caren Parrish on Libre Studio.